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Fee Assistance in Recreation - FAIR Application

The FAIR program assists City of Woodstock residents living in low income with the opportunities to participate in recreation and leisure activities provided by the City, as well as access City of Woodstock registered monthly bus passes at a reduced rate (50% reduction).

  • For recreation and leisure activities, a credit will be placed on the City Recreation Legend account for families who qualify. The account will be good for 1 year and can be used on recreational city programs. $200/year for residents under 18, and $50/year for residents 18 and older.
  • For a City of Woodstock transit pass, a credit will be placed on  the City Recreation Legend account for families who qualify. That credit will cover 50% of a bus pass for three months at a time. Additional funding will be made available every three months, upon request, until the funds are depleted. Residents with FAIR funding can purchase a bus pass, or reload their current pass, at the following locations:
    • Cowan Park Sportsplex
    • Reeves Community Complex
    • Southside Aquatic Centre

Who can apply?

To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  • Live in the City of Woodstock.
  • Have a family income that falls below the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) for your family size.
1 Person $26,620
2 People $33,140
3 People $40,742
4 People $49,466
5 People $56,104
6 People $63,276
7 People $70,448

More than 7 people, for each additional person, add $7,172.

How to Apply

  • Complete this Fee Assistance in Recreation (FAIR) Application Form
  • Upload proof of residence (ie. driver's license, property tax bill or utility bill)
  • Upload last year’s Canada Child Benefit (CCB) and Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) Notice
  • If you are not able to find the CCB and OCB Notice, upload last year’s Notice of Assessment from the Canadian Revenue Agency to cover the entire family. If you are not able to find last year’s Notice of Assessment you can call the Canadian Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281 to obtain a copy of the “Income Tax Return”-Information Regular (which shows line 150)
  • Sign and submit this form
Please indicate what funding you are applying for. Check all that apply.
Primary Applicant's Gender
Do you live with a spouse or partner?
1. Child/Dependent's Gender
2. Child/Dependent's Gender
3. Child/Dependent's Gender
4. Child/Dependent's Gender
5. Child/Dependent's Gender
6. Child/Dependent's Gender

Proof of Residency in the City of Woodstock

Acceptable Documents must show name, and current address. Please upload one of the following:

  • Copy of driver's license
  • Copy of property tax bill or dated tenancy agreement, dated within the previous 30 days
  • Copy of current utility bill or bank statement, dated within the previous 30 days

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Total Annual Family Income 

Please upload only 1 document for each the primary applicant and spouse/partner, for a one year period. Any documents other than those listed will not be accepted. Please upload 1 of the following:

  • Copy of current Canada Child Benefit (CCB) and Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) Notice
  • Copy of current Notice of Assessment (Government Issued) * for each adult in household
  • Copy of Ontario Works Drug Benefit Eligibility Card (Must have the name of every adult and dependent in family to be used as proof of income)
  • Copy of Ontario Disability Support Program Drug Card

If you are unable to provide any part of the documentation required, but feel you would
otherwise still be covered by this program, please contact the office to discuss your options. 519-539-2382 x2740.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Family (With Children) Assistance Being Required

Appropriate dollar amount will be put on your registration family account. This account has no cash out value and can only be used for City recreation services. If the full amount cannot be used during a calendar year the credit amount will be lost. Program eligibility must be renewed each year.

Please indicate who you are requesting funding for. Check all that apply.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. When will I find out if my application was approved?

If approved, you will receive a confirmation letter and the amount of credit that has been put onto your Recreation account. The funds cannot be removed from the account and can only be used for recreation services. Funds that are not spent within the calendar year will not be carried over to the New Year.


2. How often do I need to re-apply?

Every new calendar year reapplication for the program is required.


3. How will I access City of Woodstock recreational services once I have been approved?

There will be a credit on your Legend account. You or your dependents can take swimming lessons, register in Day Camps, participate in recreation programs or even obtain entry into swimming or skating. The credit can only be used for recreationa services that the City offers but it is up to you and your family as to how best to use this credit.


4. I still have further questions or I would like to meet someone to go over this program, who do I contact?

You may email, or call 519-539-2382 x2740.


5. How do I purchase my registred monthly bus passes once I'm approved for funding?

Registered monthly bus passes that are being purchased through the FAIR program can be purchased or renewed in person at the follow locations: Cowan Park Sportsplex, Reeves Community Complex, and Southside Aquatic Centre.

Application Signature

The collection, use and disclosure of personally identifying information submitted on this form is governed by Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990 C.M. 56. Personally identifying information will be used by the City of Woodstock to assess eligibility of the applicant for the Fee Assistance in Recreation program, administration and evaluation of the Fee Assistance in Recreation program and for statistical purposes. The City will make every reasonable effort to protect the applicant's personally identifying information. Questions about this collection, use and disclosure should be directed to: Director of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas St. Woodstock, Ontario N4S 0A7.


Contact Us

© 2017 City of Woodstock P.O. Box 1539, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 0A7


Phone: 519-539-1291
Email: General Information

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