The City of Woodstock has bylaws in place to prevent unnecessary destruction or injury of trees. This means that any property deemed as a woodland, lands with pending applications for development, environmentally protected, and certain zoning categories must apply to make changes to the trees on that land.
There are exemptions for this bylaw and they are laid out in the bylaw document under Article 4.
Please click here to view the bylaw
Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif
Tree compensation is required at a rate of 3:1 (3 trees are required to be planted back on site for every 1 tree removed). Every effort possible should be made to compensate with planting back on site. In the event that compensation in the form of plantings cannot be accommodated on site, cash in lieu of plantings will be required. The cash in lieu value is $1,500.00 for every tree removed and not replaced back on site. This fee will be evaluated and calculated by the Director of Parks and Recreation and is based on the health and number of removals impacting the net canopy loss.
Please note that additional costs can occur, such as: replacement trees, tree protection for trees not being removed etc.
Accepted Methods of Payment: Cheque, cash, credit card or debit. Please make all amounts payable to the City of Woodstock. Application fees are non-refundable and payable at the time of application submittal. Submission of an applications does not guarantee that a permit will be issued.
I have read and understand the attached information and am aware of the permit procedures require under the provisions of the Private and Municipal Tree By-Laws. I herby certify that the information, survey and plans provided are correct and truly indicate my instentions respecting the proposed work. I acknowledge and understand that pursuant to section 813-25A, an officer may enter upon my lands at any resonable time for the purpose of carrying out an inspection.