Community Outreach Request Application
Thank you for your interest in the programs and services offered by the Woodstock Art Gallery (WAG). WAG enriches the community by inspiring participation in the visual arts.
WAG accepts community outreach requests from non-profit groups, societies and registered charitable organizations within the community. Requests may include in-kind donations, door prizes, silent auction items/packages, sponsorships, advertising, information sessions or attendance of staff.
Although funds are limited, the Woodstock Art Gallery strives to meet as many of these requests as possible.
To be considered, all community outreach requests must be received through Woodstock Art Gallery’s online application system. Hard copy or email requests will be directed to the online application system. Requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to volume of applications and funds allocated, not all requests will be granted.
Requests must be made at least 3 months prior to the event to be considered.
Please complete the application below: